COACHING with deena

"As with any instrument, the voice must be understood and maintained to be effective. This understanding helps you develop a trust in yourself that will lead you to your intrinsic power."

Private 1-on-1 Coaching

  • Get your Voice Up with Deena Kamm in a custom Power Voice Training and Assessment Program.
  • Private Coaching packages include:
    • Weekly or Bi-Weekly 60 Min Sessions where together we build a personalized experience.  We’ll collaborate to schedule the perfect time and place to get your voice up when you need it most in preparation for a presentation, pitch, or other speaking engagement.
    • Custom Audio Warm-up routine and exercises designed and led by Deena for your voice, your job, your habits, your body, your life – for only you to use – forever!!  This may be the most important part of your program as it will become YOUR daily vocal workout/warmup for years to come. This personalized  routine will be developed as Deena spends time working with you and understanding your unique voice.
    • Optional Follow-Up Sessions available upon completion of custom program.
    • Client Care Package to get you started with simple tools that you will want to try out and keep on-hand.

"Break personal barriers, build confidence you didn't even know you were missing, and elevate your ability to communicate with any size audience for years to come."

Group Coaching and Team Building

Group VOICE UP sessions are a great way to maximize your company’s time and budget. Get power voice techniques in this unique and a fun team building experience that will keep your crew focused, inspired, and progressing in the same direction.  Working with multiple voices at the same time sets the stage to connect and better understand each other on a deeper, more personal level, without getting personal at all!

get all the same information you would get in a 1-on-1 coaching program while simultaneously cultivating camaraderie and deeper bonds within your team. Hourly sessions are split between each group member and allow all team members to watch, listen, learn, and support each other through the session! Some group vocalizing will also take place allowing everyone to sync up and get on the (literal) same wave-length.

Reap the rewards that joining voices will bring to your group while getting a fantastic value. Everybody wins as your team learns about themselves and each other in a fun, engaging, and important way.

"Gain full and complete control of your authentic, natural voice – the most important sales tool you own."