HELLO, I’M DEENA KAMM- Your personal Voice Coach and Confidence Building Guru. I also have 30+ years of experience in the entertainment and music industry and have been a professional singer and performer my adult life.

Throughout my career I’ve had amazing performance opportunities on every size stage and platform. My voice has been heard on NBC, CBS, MTV, FOX, ClearChannel, Premiere Radio Networks, The Howard Stern Show, countless radio stations across the US, film soundtracks, TV theme songs, musical stage productions, studio recordings, and more.

I spent the first half of my music career in my hometown, Los Angeles, California, working with many musicians, bands, and producers. In the 90’s I toured the country as the lead singer/songwriter with my own band, Unruly Helga. In 2010 I left L.A. and moved to Bend, Oregon where I founded “Sing Bend” – a private coaching practice that I dedicated to helping others find the hidden power of their voice.

Throughout my years as a voice coach, I’ve seen my clients struggle with the same specific challenge over and over again: People of all walks of life struggle with crippling self-doubt in their own vocal ability. So I developed the VOICE UP program for individuals, groups, and entire communities who want and need to express themselves and their messages loud, clear, and confidently.

I believe everyone has the right to understand and utilize the natural, effortless ability our bodies are born with to vocalize. My passion is helping people learn how to express their passion with an authentic voice. I am here to help you get your VOICE UP and give you back your vocal power.


I have 30+ years of experience in the entertainment and music industry. I’ve been a professional singer and performer for my entire adult life.

Throughout my career I’ve had amazing performance opportunities on every size stage and platform. My voice has been heard on NBC, CBS, MTV, FOX, ClearChannel, Premiere Radio Networks, The Howard Stern Show, countless radio stations across the US, film soundtracks, TV theme songs, musical stage productions, studio recordings, and more.

I spent the first half of my music career in my hometown, Los Angeles, California, working with many musicians, bands, and producers. In the 90’s I toured the country as the lead singer/songwriter with my own band, Unruly Helga. In 2010 I left L.A. and moved to Bend, Oregon where I founded “Sing Bend” – a private coaching practice that I dedicated to helping others find the hidden power of their voice.

Throughout my years as a voice coach I’ve come across one specific client challenge over and over again: People of all walks of life struggle with a crippling self doubt in their own vocal ability.  So I developed the VOICE UP program for individuals, groups, and entire communities who want and need to express their messages loud, clear, and confidently.

I believe everyone has the right to understand and utilize the natural, effortless ability our bodies are born with to vocalize. My passion is helping people learn how to express their passion with an authentic voice. I am here to help you get your VOICE UP and give you back your vocal power.