You Think You’re Not A Singer?

You are a singer.

If you think you’re NOT a singer, you’re wrong.

If you can talk – you can sing.

It’s a simple as that.

The best way to access your deepest most authentic vocal power is by… singing. So if you are only using your voice to talk, and you want to be a powerful communicator, but you never exercise your singing voice, then you are not nearly as powerful as you would be if you were diving deeper into your instrument. Diving ALL the way in is when you are able to show yourself and the world who you are completely.

Without the regular use of your singing voice you are only taping into a small fraction of your vocal range and ability. Singing and speaking go hand in hand. They work together to support each other. They are both require the same mechanisms and body structure and muscle set. But I’m not gonna lie – singing is harder for sure. It requires more control. It requires a deeper understanding of your vocal tool/instrument, and it requires a stronger connection to most of your core and upper body. If speaking is little league, singing is the world series. It’s hard work and it requires a lot of energy. Which is why many people don’t think they aren’t good at it. Most of us don’t realize that singing is exponentially more work than speaking. So we think if we can’t open our mouths and sound like Freddie Mercury on the first attempt then we just aren’t singers. But that’s like saying “I wasn’t born running as fast as Usian Bolt, so I obviously should never run.”

If you’re a little (or totally) embarrassed to sing with full expression and at the top of your lungs (side note – you’re really singing from the bottom of your lungs and the top of your diaphragm– but that’s another conversation) then you’ve probably been taught somewhere along the line that you’re voice shouldn’t be that powerful. Yes – good singing requires power – and anyone can learn it. Most babies are born with it. That was you too. But if you never use it, you eventually lose it. But if you regularly put the power of singing behind your speaking voice you will understand and feel your words and subsequently own your voice fully. It’s a great feeling. Stop holding back and give yourself the re-gift of the voice you were born with. Sing it loud – as loud as you can. Fill up the world with the sound of who you are.